Another week has passed and we continue to find ways to stay “busy” each day. The kids went back to online learning and have a bit more routine in the day. Their teachers have been meeting with them on zoom and we monitor and assist with school work. There is a lot of boredom. And a lot of screen time. And a lot of repetition. It feels a little strange to continue posting the same kind of photos week after week but that is our life now and it is what we are living. Wishing you all health and wellness in this stressful time.

Legos, Legos, Legos
Lounging & scooters
Daily Family walk
Class Lunchtime Zoom
Online learning
He wanted to help with dinner! My budding chef.
Outdoor dinner
Does everyone have shirtless dad’s working out in their living room?
Street Biking
Making his bed every morning
I decided to attempt to make Challah for the first time. I came back to it throughout the day.
My daughter practicing for her Zoom presentation of her research on the Oak Tree.
Letting the bread rise.
Daily Daddy PE
A school assignment with a checklist of what to include. There were many tears in creating this but a happy boy to present the final outcome.
Kneading the dough.
The girls baked together and the boys played catch.
Aaaand here it is. A little wonky but looked pretty good for a first attempt. Wasn’t the tastiest but looking forward to trying again.
Shabbat Shalom!
At least she liked it!
Zoom game night- Apples to Apples with families
Haircuts….again. Taking turns cutting hair.
Another game night, just us 4. Apples to Apples again.
Our newest furniture rearrange. 2 couches pushed together=perfect hangout spot.
Biking. Again.
And chalk.
And lounging.
Lost in laundry.
Our living room setup this week.
First ever banana split because, why not?
Adult game night with family.
Selfie (not my best angle LOL)
Learning with her class.
Go Noodle & Legos
And when a large package of new TP arrives and we are bored? We play.

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